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Output types

All Dusa terms have a correspondence with JavaScript types:

  • The trivial type () in Dusa corresponds to null in JavaScript.
  • The string type in Dusa corresponds to the string type in JavaScript.
  • The integer and natural number types in Dusa correspond to the BigInt type in JavaScript. The JavaScript BigInt four is written as 4n, not 4.
  • Constants like a, tt, or bob in Dusa correspond to objects { name: 'a' }, { name: 'tt' }, or { name: 'bob' } in JavaScript.
  • An uninterpreted function with arguments like h 9 "fish" in Dusa corresponds to an object { name: 'h', args: [9n, 'fish'] } in JavaScript.

type Term

export type Term =
| null // Trivial type ()
| bigint // Natural numbers and integers
| string // Strings
| { name: string } // Constants
| { name: string; args: [Term, ...Term[]] };

type Fact

export interface Fact {
name: string;
args: Term[];
value: Term;

Input types

The Dusa and DusaSolution methods that take terms and facts as argument accept inputs that are more flexible than the outputs that Dusa will return (see the Robustness Principle).

type InputTerm

Dusa will accept numbers of type number and convert them to BigInt values. This will raise a RangeError if you try to pass a non-integer number to Dusa.

An input constant like a can also be given as { name: 'a', args: [] }, even though that constant will always be output as { name: 'a' }.

type InputFact

export interface InputFact {
name: string;
args: InputTerm[];
value?: InputTerm;

The value field is optional when giving a fact as an argument (for example, to the assert() method.), and a missing value field will be interpreted as the trivial Dusa value ().