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class Dusa

The main entrypoint to the Dusa JavaScript API is the Dusa class. (The dusa NPM package also includes Typescript definitions.)

Creating a Dusa instance

Dusa() constructor

A Dusa instance is created by passing a Dusa program to the constructor.

const dusa = new Dusa(`
edge a b.
edge b c.
edge c d.
path X Y :- edge X Y.
path X Z :- edge X Y, path Y Z.`);

If the program has errors, an error in the DusaError class will be thrown.

// raises DusaError, X is conclusion but not premise.
const dusa = new Dusa(`edge a X.`);

Solving a Dusa instance

Dusa programs can’t be directly queried: they must first be solved. There are several different ways to direct Dusa to generate solutions, all of which provide access to DusaSolution objects.

solution getter

If a Dusa program has at most one solution, that solution can be accessed with the solution getter. The first time this method is accessed it will cause some computation to happen (and it could even fail to terminate if there aren’t finite solutions). The result is cached, so subsequent calls will not trigger additional computation.

const dusa = new Dusa(`
edge "a" "b".
edge "b" "c".
edge "c" "d".
path X Y :- edge X Y.
path X Z :- edge X Y, path Y Z.`);
dusa.solution; // Object of type DusaSolution
[...dusa.solution.lookup('path', 'b')]; // [['c', null], ['d', null]]
[...dusa.solution.lookup('path', 'c')]; // [['d', null]]

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If no solutions exist, the solution getter will return null.

const dusa = new Dusa(`
name is "one".
name is "two".`);
dusa.solution; // null

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This getter can only be used if a single solution exists. Dusa will check for additional solutions when the solution getter is accessed, and will throw an exception if there are other solutions.

const dusa = new Dusa(`name is { "one", "two" }.`);
dusa.solution; // raises DusaError

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For programs with multiple solutions, use the sample() method or the solutions getter, which returns an iterator.

sample() method

The sample() method will return an arbitrary solution to the Dusa program, or null if no solution exists.

Each call to sample() re-computes the program, so even if there are only a finite (but nonzero) number of solutions, sample() can be called as many times as desired.

const dusa = new Dusa(`name is { "one", "two" }.`);
for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
for (const [name] of dusa.sample().lookup('name')) {

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The current Dusa interpreter does not have a well-defined probabilistic semantics for complex programs, but the simple program above will print "one" about 500 times and will print "two" about 500 times.

solutions getter

The solutions getter iterates through all the possible distinct solutions of a Dusa program. The iterator works in an arbitrary order: this program will either print [["one"]] and then [["two"]] or else it will print [["two"]] and then [["one"]].

const dusa = new Dusa(`name is { "one", "two" }.`);
for (const solution of {

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Each time the getter is accessed, an iterator is returned that re-runs solution search, potentially returning solutions in a different order.

Modifying a Dusa instance

The Dusa implementation doesn’t support adding and removing rules after a Dusa class instance has been created, but it does support adding additional facts, which can be just as powerful. This can be useful for applications where the actual set of facts isn’t known ahead of time, but the desired analysis on those facts is known.

assert() method

The assert method of a Dusa instance takes an arbitrary number of arguments, each one a Fact, and adds them to the database.

const dusa = new Dusa(`
path X Y :- edge X Y.
path X Z :- edge X Y, path Y Z.`);
[...dusa.solution.lookup('path', 'a')]; // []
dusa.assert({ name: 'edge', args: ['a', 'b'] });
[...dusa.solution.lookup('path', 'a')]; // [['b', null]]
{ name: 'edge', args: ['b', 'c'] },
{ name: 'edge', args: ['e', 'b'] },
{ name: 'edge', args: ['d', 'e'] },
[...dusa.solution.lookup('path', 'a')]; // [['b', null], ['c', null]]

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