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Dusa helpers

In addition to the Dusa class and solution iterator and the the DusaSolution class, the Dusa API includes a couple of other utility functions.

compareTerm() and compareTerms()

Provides a consistent comparison function for sorting Dusa terms or list of Dusa terms.

function compareTerm(t1: Term | BigTerm, t2: Term | BigTerm): number;
function compareTerms(t: (Term | BigTerm)[], s: (Term | BigTerm)[]): number;


Provides a consistent way of making terms into strings. If true is passed as the parens argument, then structured terms with arguments will be surrounded by parentheses.

function termToString(tm: Term | BigTerm, parens = false): string;

check() and compile()

The check() function runs just static checks on a Dusa program, and returns a list of any issues that exist.

interface Issue {
type: 'Issue';
msg: string;
severity: 'warning' | 'error';
loc?: SourceLocation;
function check(source: string): Issue[] | null;

The compile() function transforms a Dusa source program into an intermediate “bytecode” representation which can be passed to the Dusa constructor instead of a source program. If there are any issues, the DusaCompileError exception will be thrown.

interface DusaCompileError extends Error {
issues: Issue[];
function compile(source: string): BytecodeProgram;